CPD: summer schools and exchange visits

Exchange visit of the Italian teachers and students

at the vocational schools from Moldova (17 – 24 March 2018)


Exchange visit of Moldovan teachers, instructors and pupils

at IPSSEOA “K. Wojtyla”, Catania, Italy (3 – 10 March 2018)


Exchange Visit of EL teachers from the 11th State Primary School of Piraeus, Greece, to the partner schools in the framework of the FELT School

5-10 October 2017


ESP Summer School and Exchange Visit at the VET Schools from Moldova

12-16 September 2017

Read the article written by the Italian partner school here:



Școala de vară ,,Predarea Limbii Engleze

în Școlile Profesionale Specializate în Domeniul Gastronomiei”

20-25 august 2017


FELT School Exchange Visit at IPSSEOA  “K. Wojtyla”, Catania, Italy

20 – 24 February 2017



FELT School Exchange Visit at the 11th State Primary School from Piraeus, Greece


FELT Summer School 2016: Teaching English to Primary Learners

(11 – 16 June 2016, Balti)


  • 10 EL teachers from Moldova

Special Guests:

  • Mrs. Angeliki Martinou, headmaster at the 11th State Primary School of Piraeus, Greece
  • Mrs. Aikaterini Kantourou, English language teacher at the 11th State Primary School of Piraeus, Greece

Pupils: 52 pupils from partner schools

  • G. Cosbuc Lyceum, Balti
  • V. Alecsandri Lyceum, Balti
  • V. Coroban Lyceum, Glodeni,
  • A.Porcescu Gymnasium, Cainarii  Vechi, Soroca
  • Falestii Noi Gymnasium, Falestii Noi


ESP Summer School

“Teaching English at the Vocational Schools Specialized in Gastronomy”.

3 – 10 July 2016 ( Balti and Chisinau, Moldova)

This is a one week training organised by the Association Continuing Education Center in colalboration with the Center for Excellence in Gastronomy http://www.sp2balti.webs.md/,  the local restaurant “Oliva” (http://www.oliva.md/about/) and the financial support of the Foundation “Liechtenstein Development Service”.

A core group of 10 EL teachers from Moldova and EU countries will exchange teaching practices and resources, organise English demo lessons for beginners in a target group of restaurant staff and VET students. The programme also provides the oportunity to all the participants to get into the kitchen themselves and participate in cooking workshops and master classes organised in colaboration with Oliva restaurant staff.




Short description of the summer school activities:

Demo lessons. All the EL teachers will organise a lesson in a target group of waiters. The other teachers will observe the lesson or will participate in the lesson pretending to be trainees.

Feedback session. It is organised immediately after the demo lesson. Good teaching practices will be pointed out along with the suggestions for improvement. We do hope it will be a great sharing and learning opportunity, especially for the teachers with less experinece in ESP.

Developing/ Revising ESP resources. This session will offer us the opportunity to revise the lesson plan, if needed to adjust it to the student’s needs, and also to develop ELT resources using realia from the  field trips to the local winery and the local vet schools, and from the cooking workshop. The resources include video recordings, photos and photo-based flashcards, student’s handouts, lesson plans.

Cooking Workshop. This activity is targeted to learn new skills, discover new tastes and experience a meal you’ll never forget in a team of participants coming from Moldova, Greece and Italy and contribute to developing resources for our course “English for Gastronomy”. The organisers will provide the products. The teachers who suggested the dishes and the restaurant staff can prepare it. The activity will be recorded using a video camera. If the teachers mind the video recording, they can provide support us in instructing the restaurant staff from our target group how to prepare it.

Evaluation sessions. Daily activity targeted to get the feedback about the daily outputs of the training.

Field trips. This activity will be an amazing opportunity to develop community – based learning strategies and ELT resources based on local realia. It is a great exercise to stimulate and nourish teachers’ imagination and creativity in developing ELT resources and integrating them in teaching strategies. It will also provide the teachers from EU institutions an opportunity to catch a glimpse of Moldova. The field trips includes visiting local VET schools, a famous local winery and local monasteries.



Who can participate?

  • English language teachers with at least a 2 years ELT experience  in a vocational school focusing on gastronomy related specialties: waiters, bartenders, cooks and pastry cooks.
  • VET school managers
  • teacher trainers
  • instructors
  • resource developers
  • school managers providing us a Teaching Internship opportunity.


We provide the meals and accommodation for free and reimburse your travel expenses. For participants from EU institutions we reimburse the travel expenses up to 200 Euro.

Apply Now!


Deadline for applications: 25 March 2016



FELT Summer School 2015

“Teaching English to Primary Learners”

  • Round I: 21- 27 June, Lyceum G. Cosbuc, Balti
  • Round II: 5-11 July, Gymansium Falestii Noi & Gymnasium Chetris
  • Round III: 7-12 August, Lyceum Balauresti


  • 10 EL teachers
  • 103 primary learners


  • ELT workshops
  • lesson planning
  • observation sessions
  • teaching English to primary learners (2nd and 3rd form in 2015)
  • feedback on teaching
  • developing the ELT portfolio
  • activities of personal development
  • recorded ELT lessons and self- assessment

Upon completion of the summer school training, the participants received free ELT flashcards for primary learners and were awarded a certificate of attendance and a short description of training content and time input.

During the intensive summer school English language course the pupils acquired EL knowledge and skills required by the national curriculum as well as metacognitive skills. Watch this video and see how they work.  Their first EL learning experience was a successful one.

Numbers. Warm-up Activity.




Denumirea proiectului: Şcoala Viitorilor Profesori de Limba Engleză

Evenimentul: Şcoala de vară “Predarea limbii engleze în clasele primare” 2015


  • Runda a I-a: 22 – 26 iunie 2015, L.T. “G. Coşbuc” din Bălţi,
  • Runda a II-a: 6 -11 iulie 2015, gimnaziul “Faleştii Noi” Făleşti.
  • Runda a III-a: 3 – 7 august 2015, L.T. ,,Bălăureşti”

* Programul de teambuilding pentru profesori: 21 iunie şi respectiv 5 iulie 2015.

* Profesorii vor participa la runda a I-a şi ulterior la runda a II-a. Runda a III este opţională.

Participanţi (1): 

  • Studenţi, viitori profesori de limba engleză
  • Profesori de limba engleză din orice localitate din Republica Moldova

Procedura de aplicare

Persoanele interesate de a aplica la acest program de training sunt rugate sa solicite formularul de aplicare (începînd cu 2 iunie pînă la data de 10 iunie 2015) prin email : apply.felt.school@gmail.com

Data limită de expediere a formularului: 14 iunie 2014

Anuntarea rezultatelor procesului de recrutare va avea loc prin email pînă la data de 15 iunie 2015, ora 17:00.

Participanţi (2)

  • Elevi ai cl.1 – a care vor  studia limba engleză începînd cu septembrie 2015
  • Elevi ai cl. A 2 –a de la şcolile partenere

Recrutarea elevilor va avea loc în colaborare cu insituţiile partenere. Dacă copilul Dvs este elev la una din insituţiile partenere sus – menţionate şi doriţi să participaţi la şcoala de vară, vă rugam să vă adresaţi la profesorul de clasele primare (cl.1 şi cl. 2) sau profesorul de limba engleză, membru al comitetului orgainizatoric.

Programul pentru elevi include:

Lecţii de limba engleză, activităţi de dezvoltare personală, întreceri sportive, sesiune de totalizare în aer liber (o opţiune este la Rezervatia naturala ,,Pădurea Domnească”.


Programul şcolii de vară este GRATUIT. Toate cheltuielile legate de deplasare, alimentare, pachetul de training sunt acoperite din cadrul proiectului.


Profesorii şi studenţii vor fi cazaţi în caminul ,,Luceafărul” al Universităţii de Stat ,,A. Russo” din Bălţi.

Rezultatele proiectului pentru studenţi şi profesori:

Autoevaluarea şi îmbunătăţirea  competenţelor de predare – evaluare a limbii engleze la nivelul claselor primare demonstrînd cunoştinţe şi abilităţi relevante procesului de observare şi feedback, planificare, predare şi autoevaluarea lecţiei în cadrul unui grup de 10 – 15 elevi ai claselor a 1 şi a 2- a;

Îmbunătăţirea portofoliului la limba engleză primind minim 5 seturi de fişe didactice pentru clasele primare (gratis) odată cu elaborarea în timpul şcolii de vară a 5 proiecte didactice bazate pe metode de predare centrate pe elev;

Acumularea cunoştinţelor şi formarea abilităţilor de utilizare a minimum 3 jocuri didactice în procesul de predare – învăţare – evaluare al limbii engleze la nivelul claselor primare;

Utilizarea principiilor și criteriilor de elaborare și evaluare a fișelor didactice pentru cursul de limba engleză la nivelul claselor primare în cadrul a 2 ateliere de lucru;

Integrarea obiectivelor de ordin metacognitiv în cadrul lecţiei predate în timpul şcolii de vară care vor ajuta elevii să achiziționeze instrumentele necesare reglării activităților de învățare, conștinetizînd felul în care ei învață, selectînd și organizînd tehnicile de învățare și reflectînd asupra rezulatelor pe care le obțin;

Suport financiar:

Proiectul est implimentat cu suportul financiar al Fundaţiei “Serviciul de Dezvoltare din Lechtenstein”.



Concurs de aplicare

Şcoala de vară: Predarea Limbii Engleze în Clasele Primare

20 iulie – 2 august 2014

Locul: Universitatea de Stat “A. Russo” din Bălţi

Scopul: A contribui la dezvoltarea profesională a tinerilor şi viitorilor profesori de limba engleză;


  1. studenţi, masteranzi, şi cadre didactice din Republica Moldova
  2. elevi din şcolile rurale, clasa a 2-a începînd cu septembrie 2014;

Cerinţe pentru candidaţi (1):


  • studenţi la anul 3 de studiu sau masteranzi la una din universităţile din Republica Moldova;
  • viitori profesori de limba engleză, I sau a II-a specialitate;

Profesori de limba engleză

  • Cadre didactice care vor preda limba engleză la nivelul claselor primare într-o instituţie de stat pe parcursul anului academic 2014 – 2015;
  • persoane disponibile să contribuie la procesul de recrutare a elevilor din insituţia locală pe care o reprezintă pentru a beneficia de programul şcolii de vară;

Termen de aplicare: 15 iunie 2014

 Procedura de aplicare:

Completaţi formularul de aplicare la sediul proiectului: Universitatea de Stat ,,A. Russo” din Bălţi, bl 4, et.2, sala 416.

sau prin email:

  • Accesaţi blogul proiectului la adresa https://feltschool.wordpress.com> pagina FELT Summer Schools;
  • Copiaţi informaţia referitoare la formularul de aplicare;
  • Completaţi formularul în redactorul de text Microsoft Word (Font: Garamond, 12);
  • Expediaţi formularul de aplicare prin email la adresa: apply.felt.school@gmail.com. (Denumirea mesajului: FELT Summer School 2014)

Noutatea programului:

Fiecare participant va primi gratis un exemplar a 10 seturi de fişe şi jocuri didactice la limba engleză pentru clasele primare.

Profesorii vor avea posibilitatea să participe la concursul de selectare a şcolilor care vor primi tot setul de fişe şi jocuri didactice penru clasa a 2  – a.

Costul programului

Toate cheltuielile participanţilor privind cazarea, alimentarea, transportul public, suportul de curs şi resursele didactice sunt suportate de organizatori graţie susţinerei financiare a proiectului FELT Scool din partea Fundaţiei ,,Serviciul de Dezvoltare din Liechtenstein”.

Important!  La solicitarea participanţilor (1)  ziua de sîmbătă, 26 iulie, poate fi zi liberă. Toţi participanţii (1) ar putea să plece acasă pentru o zi.

Rezultatele proiectului pentru participanţi (a):

Autoevaluarea şi îmbunătăţirea  competenţelor de predare – evaluare a limbii engleze la nivelul claselor primare demonstrînd cunoştinţe şi abilităţi relevante procesului de observare şi feedback (10 sesiuni), planificare (5 lecţii), predare şi autoevaluare (1 lecţie) în cadrul unui grup de 10 – 15 elevi ai claselor a 2- a;

Îmbunătăţirea portofoliului la limba engleză primind minim 10 seturi de fişe şi jocuri didactice pentru clasele primare (gratis) odată cu elaborarea în timpul şcolii de vară a 5 proiecte didactice bazate pe metode de predare centrate pe elevi;

Acumularea cunoştinţelor şi formarea abilităţilor de utilizare a minimum 3 jocuri didactice în procesul de predare – învăţare – evaluare al limbii engleze la nivelul claselor primare;

Utilizarea principiilor și criteriilor de elaborare și evaluare a fișelor didactice pentru cursul de limba engleză la nivelul claselor primare în cadrul a 2 ateliere de lucru;

Integrarea obiectivelor de ordin metacognitiv în cadrul lecţiei predate în timpul şcolii de vară care vor ajuta elevii să achiziționeze instrumentele necesare reglării activităților de învățare, conștinetizînd felul în care ei învață, selectînd și organizînd tehnicile de învățare și reflectînd asupra rezulatelor pe care le obțin;


  • A.O. „Centrul pentru Educaţie Continuă”
  • Catedra Filologie Engleză şi Germană, Universitatea de Stat  „A. Russo” din Bălţi

Suport Financiar: Fundaţia „Serviciul de Dezvoltare din Liechtenstein”



FELT Summer School, 2nd edition

 29 July – 11 August 2013

The second edition of the project is implemented in partnership with

the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, A. Russo Balti State University

Education, Youth and Sports Department, Nisporeni Counsil,

Balauresti High-school, village Balauresti, Nisporeni district.


The teachers trainees and the beginner teachers will:

  • Attend the courses: “Educational Psychology” & “Interactive English Language Teaching”
  • Plan English lessons  with a senior lecturer from A. Russo University;
  • Access flashcards, EL textbooks, CDs, and other resources for free and develop your EL portfolio;
  • Promote EL lessons for 3rd, 6th and 7th form pupils and benefit from constructive feedback;


  • 3rd and 4th  year students,  MA students, future English language teachers and beginner EL teachers;
  • Students from all the universities of Moldova;
  • Students currently studying at various faculties specializing in English language teaching;


A. Russo Balti State University (29 July- 3 August, 2013)

and Balauresti High School, village Balauresti, Nisporeni district (4 -11 August 2013);

Participation Fees

Travel, meals, accommodation and training package costs are covered by the organizers;



FELT School, 5th edition

Our unique teaching, professional development and service component  differentiates the FELT school program from other teaching practices or volunteering programs, as it gives students experiential learning  and students, in return, exemplify responsability, initiative and active citizenship.

The goal of the 5th edition of FELT School is to contribute to the professional development of future teachers by bringing together American and Moldovan English language teachers and students interested in teaching English to primary learners and by providing training in civic education for educators.


1. Summer school in ELT (20-26 August 2012) – a valuable professional development opportunity for the volunteering students as they will:

  • teach English to 2nd and 5th grade pupils with an experienced partner, American or Moldovan EL teachers;
  • access ELT resources and start building a teacher’s portfolio;
  •  participate in a  series of workshops where they will improve their planning and organising skills and will gain leadership skills, project management skills among other benefits;

2. Workshop series: Building Partnerships and Collaboration Across Sectors.

The workshop will be organised for the EL teachers from the partner insitutions, the undergraduate and MA students from A. Russo University as well as for the volunteering students as part of the ELT summer school.

3. Event: Community Contribution Days (October-December 2012)

The FELT School fellows will organize  extracurricular activities in English for a group of children from vulnerable families from Balti. It will also imply model lessons for the volunteering students organised by experienced teachers.

4. Course: Civic education through English Language Teaching (October-December 2012)

Our course “Civic Education through English Language Teaching” will promote transformative teaching and commitment to tolerance, inclusion, engagement, collaborative learning, and safe learning environment. It will encourage the students to search for new ways to promote civic education principles in the language classroom, with a main focus on restorative justice approaches to conflict resolution, respect for children from different ethnic groups, tolerance and understanding of children from vulnerable families. It will train the students to promote civic education and democratic principles in the educational settings leading to the transparency of the educational institutions, among other benefits.

The course will encourage the students to improve their leadership skills by organising a series of events and join civic education initiatives such as:

  • The International Day to Fight Poverty (October 2012),
  • International Education Week (November 2012),
  • Inclusion in the Framework of the International Day of Human Rights (December 2012);
  • International Day of Volunteering (December 2012).

5. Symposium : Volunteering as a Way of Professional Development and Active Citizenship. (February 2013)

The event will imply a photo exhibition from the FELT School events, an exhibition of aquired and elaborated resources during the FELT School, an evaluation seminar about the volunteering initiatives organised as part of the 5th edition of the school and the certificate awarding ceremony.

Our Partners:

  • The English Philology Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, A. Russo Balti State University;
  • The high-School Balauresti, from the village of Balauresti, district Nisporeni;
  • English Language Fellows and Peace Corps Volunteers;
  • School teachers who share our vision.

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